Things to Do Before You Sell Your Car

When it’s time for a new vehicle, you might part exchange your car at the dealer. However, you can often make more money by selling the car yourself. However, it’s important to get the car ready to sell, and here are a few things you can do to get a better price.

Get an up-to-date MOT

When people read a car’s listing, one of the things they’ll be looking at is how long is left on the MOT. If yours is about to run out, it’s worth booking a car MOT in Sandhurst and getting it up to date. A car with a full year of MOT left is much more attractive to buyers.

Valet your car

Valeting your car can make it look better to potential buyers and ensures it is looking its best. You can either go to a valet place or do it yourself at home. A full valet would include:

  • Cleaning the interior and exterior
  • Waxing the car
  • Cleaning the tyres
  • Hoovering inside
  • Cleaning the dashboard
  • Shining windows, inside and out

Simple car wash services don’t often focus on the little details, so a full valet is a worthwhile investment. It costs more but can give you great results.

If you want to get the best price for your car, you should invest a little in getting it looking and performing at its best. This means you can show off your car to potential buyers and negotiate the highest price, confident that they will want to buy your car.

Post Author: Nicole Amir